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Project Proposal

Title: Warrior Spirit Complete Website Services

Proposal By: Haris M.


Greetings! My name is Haris, and first of all, I would like to express my gratitude for investing your valuable time in reviewing my proposal for Warrior Spirit’s website project. Below, you will find further details regarding my services and the benefits I can bring to your project. Regardless of its scale, I approach each undertaking as a significant milestone in my professional journey. My ultimate objective is to ensure that every client receives work that not only meets their expectations but leaves them thoroughly content and pleased.

Thank you once again for considering my proposal. I eagerly await the opportunity to collaborate with you and deliver exceptional results.

Project Overview

Warrior Spirit, a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, is in need of a website to establish its online presence, communicate its mission, and facilitate donation opportunities. The primary goal is to create a user-friendly platform that effectively showcases the organization, provides information on how to locate and support it, and offers features such as sponsor displays, a page for music streaming/purchasing, performance videos, and potentially a blog section. The website should have a simple and clean design, prioritizing ease of use for both administrators and visitors. As the organization is inexperienced in web development, guidance and support throughout the process will be crucial.

Guidance and Support

Given the organization’s limited experience in web development, we will be providing patient and comprehensive guidance throughout the project. Assistance should be provided in understanding technical aspects, making informed design choices, and optimizing the website’s functionality and user experience.

Desired Outcome

fresh, modern, and captivating marketing designs to promote the LuxBeds brand and their upcoming marketing campaign. The objective is to create visually appealing designs that effectively capture the attention of the target audience and convey the brand’s unique value proposition.

The specific number and types of design pieces required will be discussed in detail with the client. This will allow me to align the design deliverables with the client’s specific campaign goals and requirements. By collaborating closely with the client, I can ensure that the marketing designs effectively communicate the desired message and achieve the desired impact!


Website Structure and Pages
  • Home: A visually appealing landing page that introduces Warrior Spirit and highlights its core values and mission.
  • About Us: A comprehensive page that provides detailed information about the organization, its history, and its objectives.
  • Sponsorship: A dedicated section to showcase sponsors and acknowledge their support.
  • Events: A page that allows visitors to purchase or listen to the music or events sponsored or produced by Warrior Spirit.
  • Performance Videos: An area to feature videos of performances by the organization, showcasing its talent and impact.
  • Blog: A platform to publish blog posts related to the organization's activities, events, or industry insights.
  • Donate: A prominent and easily accessible page that provides multiple donation options and outlines the impact of donations.
  • Contact: A page with contact details and a form to enable visitors to reach out to Warrior Spirit.
Design and User Experience
  • Simple and Clean: The website design should have a minimalist aesthetic, with intuitive navigation and clear typography.
  • Mobile Responsive: The website must be fully responsive to ensure optimal viewing and functionality on various devices.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The website should be easy to navigate, with clear calls to action and intuitive user interactions.
  • Media Integration: Integration of multimedia elements, such as high-quality images, music players, and video embedding.
Content Management System (CMS)
  • Integration: Implementation of a user-friendly CMS that enables easy content updates and additions.
  • Training: Provide necessary guidance and training to the organization's team on how to operate the CMS effectively.

(Choice options of CMS to be discussed with the Warrior Spirit team)

Web Development and Hosting
  • Web Development: Create a custom website tailored to the specific requirements and design preferences of Warrior Spirit.
  • Hosting: Arrange secure and reliable hosting for the website, ensuring high performance and uptime.
Social Media Integration (optional)

Connect the website with relevant social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) to promote Warrior Spirit's activities and enhance its online presence.

Estimated Timeline and Budget

This is the estimated time that I would need to work on your project. Please note that it might revise the time after discussing more details of the project with you.

Warrior Spirit seeks a reasonable timeline for website development, taking into account the organization’s learning curve and the need for thorough testing. Additionally, the project’s budget should be transparent and aligned with the scope of work, providing a breakdown of costs for web development, hosting, CMS integration, and any additional services offered.


Net Hours

Cost of Services



About Me

With my experience of 15+ years in the digital industry, I have been able to work with a wide range of clients, from small business owners to large corporations and individuals alike. I take pride in delivering exceptional design solutions customized to meet the unique needs of my clients. Over the years, I have amassed extensive knowledge and expertise in all popular development and design tools to produce optimal digital assets and products for my clients.

My commitment to excellence is further demonstrated by my mission to keep myself constantly updated with the latest design and development trends. With this, you can rest assured that I possess the skills and experience needed to create stunning websites that not only meet but surpass your expectations.

Please follow the links below to have a glimpse of the quality of work I can produce (I can provide more specific samples upon request). You may also browse the website for case studies, showcases, and other professional services I offer. 

I understand your time is valuable

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